Noise: {
    isActive: boolean;
    offsets?: number[];
    positionAmount: number;
    rotationAmount: number;
    sampler?: FBM;
    sizeAmount: number;
    strength: number;

Configuration for noise effects applied to particles in a particle system. Noise can affect particle position, rotation, and size dynamically.

Type declaration

  • isActive: boolean
  • Optionaloffsets?: number[]
  • positionAmount: number
  • rotationAmount: number
  • Optionalsampler?: FBM
  • sizeAmount: number
  • strength: number
// A noise configuration with position and rotation noise
const noise: Noise = {
isActive: true,
strength: 0.5,
positionAmount: 1.0,
rotationAmount: 0.3,
sizeAmount: 0.0,
sampler: new FBM(),
offsets: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
// Default values for noise configuration
const noise: Noise = {
isActive: false,
strength: 1.0,
positionAmount: 0.0,
rotationAmount: 0.0,
sizeAmount: 0.0,
sampler: undefined,
offsets: undefined,